Monday 17 August 2015

Difference between Soft HRM and Hard HRM.

Soft HRM:

  • People are assets
  • Developing/investing in human capital
  • High employee loyalty
  • Well rewarded and satisfying work
  • Positive employment relationship
  • Planalism 
  • collaborative 

Hard HRM:
  • People are a cost to be minimise
  • Instrumental use of labour 
  • Unitarisation (All have same interest)
  • Exploitative work practice (compliance, low pay, low job security)
  • Calculative (exactly what I want from you)

General knowledge.

1. Committed People → Amount of innovative products → Competitive advantage 
                 ↑→→→→→→→→ Directly related →→→→→→→→→↑

2. What is people management?
It's all those management utilities administer, recruitment, selection, work for, design, motive and control workers.

Useful/Important keywords

1. Diktat:
A diktat is a statute, harsh penalty or settlement imposed upon a defeated party by the victor, or a dogmatic decree. The term has acquired a pejorative sense, to describe a set of rules dictated by a foreign power or an unpopular local power.

2. Commitment:
Want to.
Have emotional attachment to do something.
The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
An engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.

3. Hard Human Resource Management:
Organisation view labour as cost.
Emphasizes the quantitative, calculative and business-strategic aspects of managing human resources in as 'rational' a way as for any other economic factor.

4. Soft Human Resource Management:
Workers are seen as assets.
The soft version traces its roots to the human relations school, it emphasizes communication, motivation and leadership.

Monday 10 August 2015


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Differences between personal management and Human Resource Management.

Content & Recommended books


  1. Rise of Human Resource Management.
  2. Evolution of HRM from personal management.
  3. Human resource planning & labour market analysis.
  4. Recruitment.
  5. Selection (Psych testing & profiling).
  6. Reward management.
  7. Training and development.
  8. Performance appraisal/management.
  9. Managing under-performance.
  10. organisation culture.
  11. Flexibility & downsizing (firm-model).
  12. The self & power of freedom. 
  13. Technologies of the self.
  14. Intro to ______ studies.
  15. Motivation & the self.

Recommended books:
  1. Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice
  2. Human Resource Management theory & practice by John Bratton (Author) & Jeffrey Gold (Author)
  3. Contemporary Human Resource Management by Tom Redman (Author) & Adrian Wilkinson (Author)
  4. The Realities of Work by Mike Noon & Paul Blyton